- Independently of government; independently of big businesses; Everyone Everywhere can pump water with wind.
- This can be for water supply or to create a storage of energy available for use whenever needed.
- .Below you will find some design ideas to get you started building your own version.
Step 1 – Intake hose from source pond to pump

- A flexible hose is less likely to crack than rigid pipe.
- Making the hose over sized will mean a slow flow, thus it will not suck sand into the hose.
- Put the water intake at the bottom of a bucket of sand kept under the surface of the source water.
- The sand will act as a filter.
- Drawing a small pipe’s worth of water through the area of a bucket minimizes clogging of the sand filter.
- It will protect the hose if you bury the hose. Best to do so when the ground is soaked from heavy rain.
Step 2 – Duck Bill one-way valve

- Examples of duck bill one-way valves: https://www.grommetseal.com/news/duckbill-check-valve-design-guide-how-it-works-63056757.html
- 3D print it:
- Size the valve intake to fit the Intake Hose
- Size the Valve output to fit the Pump Intake
- Make the valve itself as big as the Pump Intake

Step 3 – Water Pump

- $15 pump available
- designed to be powered by electric drill
- 3” by 2.5” by 5”
- https://www.amazon.com/BlueRCKing-Electric-Priming-Transfer-Household/dp/B083GQF73S/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=drill+pump&qid=1687744317&sr=8-6
- designed to be powered by electric drill
- Before purchase, make sure this pump can operate:
- on its side
- at low speeds
- stopping and starting with the wind
Step 4 – Duck Bill one-way valve

3D print it
- Size the valve intake to fit the pump output
- Size the Valve output to fit the Output Hose
- Make the valve itself as big as the pump output
Step 5 – Output Hose to destination pond

Step 6 – measure output

- Use a 3D printed container of known size
- Have it stably upright when less than full. Have it resist being dumped by the wind.
- Have it dump when full to its known capacity.
- Have a 3D printed counter that counts each dumping.
Step 7 – straight Power Shaft from windmill to power input of pump

- 3D print it to attach to the pump power input.
Step 8 – Windmill

- A vertical design feeds power directly to the power input of the pump.
Some URLs to get your research started:
- https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/vertical-axis-wind-turbine-model
- https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Make-a-Very-Simple-Savonius-Wind-Turbine/
- https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2284021
- https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2745063
- https://etd.ohiolink.edu/apexprod/rws_etd/send_file/send?accession=case1459510710&disposition=inline