Everyone Everywhere can Pump Water with Wind Power

  1. Independently of government; independently of big businesses; Everyone Everywhere can pump water with wind.
  2. This can be for water supply or to create a storage of energy available for use whenever needed.
  3. .Below you will find some design ideas to get you started building your own version.

Step 1 – Intake hose from source pond to pump

  1. A flexible hose is less likely to crack than rigid pipe.
  2. Making the hose over sized will mean a slow flow, thus it will not suck sand into the hose.
  3. Put the water intake at the bottom of a bucket of sand kept under the surface of the source water.
    1. The sand will act as a filter.
    2. Drawing a small pipe’s worth of water through the area of a bucket minimizes clogging of the sand filter.
  4. It will protect the hose if you bury the hose. Best to do so when the ground is soaked from heavy rain.

Step 2 – Duck Bill one-way valve

  1. Examples of duck bill one-way valves: https://www.grommetseal.com/news/duckbill-check-valve-design-guide-how-it-works-63056757.html
  2. 3D print it:
  1. Size the valve intake to fit the Intake Hose
  2. Size the Valve output to fit the Pump Intake
  3. Make the valve itself as big as the Pump Intake

Step 3 – Water Pump

  1. $15 pump available
    1. designed to be powered by electric drill
      • 3” by 2.5” by 5”
    2. https://www.amazon.com/BlueRCKing-Electric-Priming-Transfer-Household/dp/B083GQF73S/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=drill+pump&qid=1687744317&sr=8-6
  2. Before purchase, make sure this pump can operate:
    1. on its side
    2. at low speeds
    3. stopping and starting with the wind

Step 4 – Duck Bill one-way valve

3D print it

  1. Size the valve intake to fit the pump output
  2. Size the Valve output to fit the Output Hose
  3. Make the valve itself as big as the pump output

Step 5 – Output Hose to destination pond

Step 6 – measure output

  1. Use a 3D printed container of known size
    • Have it stably upright when less than full. Have it resist being dumped by the wind.
  2. Have it dump when full to its known capacity.
  3. Have a 3D printed counter that counts each dumping.
    1. example: https://www.stlfinder.com/model/mechanical-counter-AvXuTLW7/536785/

Step 7 – straight Power Shaft from windmill to power input of pump

  1. 3D print it to attach to the pump power input.

Step 8 – Windmill

  1. A vertical design feeds power directly to the power input of the pump.

Some URLs to get your research started:

  1. https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/vertical-axis-wind-turbine-model
  2. https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Make-a-Very-Simple-Savonius-Wind-Turbine/
  3. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2284021
  4. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2745063
  5. https://etd.ohiolink.edu/apexprod/rws_etd/send_file/send?accession=case1459510710&disposition=inline