a parable
A man, let’s call him Jesu, raised horses. He welcomed a new foal he called Baby. Jesu loved Baby and raised the foal into an adult with tenderness and care. Baby loved Jesu back, as much as Baby was able to love.
Jesu’s neighbor had a crab apple orchard. Crab apples give horses terrible stomach aches. So, Jesu told Baby, “Thou shalt not eat crab apples.”
One day, the neighbor built a gate into the crab apple orchard and left the gate open. Baby soon discovered the crab apple orchard.
Baby ignored the advice Jesu had tried to drum into his head. Baby went into the crab apple orchard. Shortly, Baby came home full of crab apples and with a terrible stomach ache. Jesu nursed Baby back to health.
Jesu reminded Baby of his instructions, “Thou shalt not eat crab apples!”. Baby agreed with the wisdom of Jesu’s instruction. Yet, only days after Baby felt well, he again went to the crab apple orchard. And again came home with a terrible belly ache.
Jesu healed Baby. Baby went back to the crab apples. Jesu comforted Baby. Baby ate crab apples. Jesu went to help Baby, but Baby would not let Jesu do so. Baby ignored Jesu. Eventually Baby stopped coming home altogether, preferring to stay permanently hurting in the crab apple orchard. For a while, Jesu went to the gate and called to Baby, but Baby refused to come to Jesu. Baby chose to stay in the orchard and eat more crab apples whenever his pain lessened to bearable.
Baby chose perpetual, eternal pain over letting Jesu comfort and heal him.
The End
Now, if you don’t mind, I have to go think about the crab apples in my life ;-)