Evidence God Exists – Overview

Some people take emotional comfort in the idea that God exists.

Some people take emotional comfort in the idea that God does not exist.

Let us take a non-emotional, purely rational approach.

People say “Show God to me! I can’t detect God.”

Did radio waves first start to exist when human beings first became able to detect radio waves?

Did the sometime planet Pluto first start to exist when human beings first became able to detect it?

No? Well, then lack of detection is no proof of lack of existence.

In fact…

I have never seen the wind yet I believe the wind exists.

I have never heard a radio wave yet I believe radio waves exist.

I have never tasted a flu bug yet I believe the flu exists.

I have never smelled an atom yet I believe atoms exist.

I have never touched my wife’s love for me yet I know that it exists.

People say “Prove God exists just like you prove 2 + 2 = 4”

However, only if you first properly define “2” and “+” and “=” and “4”; then can you prove logically that 2+2=4. You see, all mathematics are abstractions that proceed logically from axioms (ie assumptions).

People are asking me for proof of God in the concrete, real world, not just in the abstract. While logic is great, logic is just a part of rational thought. To answer questions about the real world, we need to use all of rational thought.

For example, rational thought includes observation as well as logic. Like those new Catcha tests to prove we are not online robots. Selecting just the images with cars, lights, signs etc includes observing, categorizing, selecting, and counting. Rational thought, not just logic alone is how we determine what exists.

We use rational thought all the time.

Do you tie your shoes down at night so they don’t float away if gravity stops working during the night? No? You are rational. We CANNOT absolutely prove that gravity will continue working forever. Yet given what we know, it is rational to believe that gravity will continue working as it always has.

Have you have stocked up on candles in case the sun stops shining? No? You are rational. We CANNOT absolutely prove that the Sun will still be shining tomorrow. Yet given what we know it is rational to believe that the sun will keep shining throughout our lifetimes.

Similarly, because we are talking about reality, we cannot absolutely prove God exists that same way we can prove 2+2=4 within the abstractions of mathematics. However, like with gravity and the Sun, we can prove that it is rational to believe that God exists.

How do we rationally prove the existence of God? With dominoes, of course, as shown here
