Real Presence

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says:

In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist “the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole
Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained.”   CCC # 1374

There is more to this than I can understand or explain, but let me focus on one part of it. “the … soul … of our Lord Jesus Christ … is … contained.  CCC # 1374

This is a part of the mystery that I can relate to because I have a body and a soul.
The collection of molecules typing these words is my body.

What makes this set of molecules my body?
Because it is soft and pink like my tongue?
Because it is hard like my fingernails?
Because it is brown like my eyes?
It is not color or texture or any physical property that makes this collection of molecules my body. What makes this collection of molecules my body is the fact that my soul lives within this collection of molecules. Similarly, a lowly piece of bread becomes the body of Jesus when the soul of Jesus occupies the bread.

The creator of the universe; Lord and master of all that exists, Jesus, wants you to share in His life. To let you renew your communion with Him, Jesus is willing to humbly put His soul into pieces of bread, making them His body. To let you renew your communion with Him, Jesus is willing to humbly put His soul into wine, making it His blood,  How much clearer could God make it than to let you put Jesus’ soul where your soul lives?

Through His church, God has given you the gifts of the Sacraments. By putting His soul into mere bread and wine, Jesus gives you the opportunity to receive His body and thus RENEW your communion with Him.

Explore the nature of Communion here
